Practical Help for Bad Feelings | True Worldview Ep. 28

Practical Help for Bad Feelings

No one wants to be depressed or anxious or fearful or worried or even angry. The good news is that we don’t have to be. And yet, how not to be often eludes us. How can we overcome such feelings? Is there practical help for bad feelings?

Know That Faith is Active – So Act

Here’s something to chew on: our faith is not passive but active. When plagued with bad feelings, too often we think a little prayer will do the trick. We think God will snap His fingers, or whatever He does, and our anger, or fear, or lust will be gone. When that doesn’t happen, we wonder about God and even ourselves. The truth is that God is the one who gives us the power to do something about bad feelings and sinful thoughts or attitudes, but there’s something we have to do as well. God works it in but we have to work it out (Phil. 2:13). We have to fight. We have to actively flee sinful thoughts (1 Tim. 6:11), fight the fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12), and put on the battel armor of God (Eph. 6:11). The language of Scripture is active. It goes on offense. It’s not passive.

Know You’re in a War – So Fight

Think about what Paul says in 2 Cor. 10:4-5: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Note first the language of battle: “weapons of our warfare.” Note second the active nature of what we must do: cast “down arguments.” Further, bring “every thought into captivity.” That’s not only an active phrase but a wartime phrase. We are to take enemy thoughts captive like enemy combatants. And then note thirdly that “every” thought is to be taken captive. God gives very real power to deal with whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions, or attitudes that assault us.

Know You Need Some Intel – So Analyze

So, what’s the practical help for bad feelings? How do I fight? Well, here’s an ABCD guide. Think about what’s going on in these terms: Affections (feelings), Behavior (actions), Cognition (thinking), and Desire (wants). And remember two things here. First, desire is the root cause. It’s what’s in your heart that drives the affections, behavior, and thinking. Second, be brutally honest with yourself; your heart is ugly. 

Now, think in terms of putting off the sinful ABCD’s and replacing them with God-glorifying ABCD’s. If I’m feeling (affections) anxious, angry, or worried, I need to fight to replace those affections (feelings) with peace, love, or rest. If my behaving badly in the form of laziness, cursing, or yelling, I need to replace those behaviors with diligence, edifying words, and gentle speech. If I’m thinking how could he do this to me, or I hate her, or I’m worthless, I need to think instead that I can be forgiving, I can love, and God loves me. If I crave control, attention, or things I don’t have, I need to replace those desires with a desire to consider others better than myself, a desire to exalt God and not me, and a contentment in God’s providence for my life. 

Practical help for bad feelings comes in the form of taking the word of God and analyzing what’s going on. What are my ABCD’s here? What should my ABCD’s here be? Then I actively seek to take every thought captive. I pray, make a decision, memorize Scripture, work on it, fight it, and seek to glorify God in all things. I set my mind on things above. I refuse to allow myself to wallow in these sinful and debilitating thoughts and feelings. When my sin punches me in the face, I punch back, only harder. I kill the deeds of the flesh, and when I do that, God gives me love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (Gal. 5:16-26). 


Dealing with Heart Issues | True Worldview Ep. 27

Dealing with Heart Issues

There’s one thing we have to get right if we’re going to deal with heart issues. More on that momentarily.

Learn to Think Biblically

We face a variety of temptations every day and all day. It’s easy to ignore what we might call little sins like impatience, anger, frustration, pride, gossip, etc. But even the little sins are still sin, and they plague us.

At the same time, so often we think or act like certain sins are mere feelings, that they just happen, and that we have no control over them. I might feel unhappy, angry, or anxious, and I might feel as though I can’t help it. I might feel depressed, and I feel I can’t help it.

We think this way because the world thinks this way. The world tells us that depression is a psychological problem to be coped with in one way or another. Some will say you need some non-directive counsel in the form of understanding and affirmation. You might be given some coping techniques that may or may not make you feel better. Others will say you have a chemical imbalance in the brain and what you need is medication. You may have a chemical imbalance, you may not. They don’t know. But they do know that psychotropic medication doesn’t relieve depression symptoms in as many cases as it does, or that in countless instances it makes persons feel worse and is often a catalyst for suicide. Of course, if you’re on medication, don’t stop taking it without your doctor’s supervision. That could be deadly as well. Regardless, there’s something spiritual going on if you’re depressed.

Christ is the Answer

The truth is that we have two kinds of problems: spiritual or physiological. There is no third set of problems the world calls psychological. In fact, we get the word psychology from two Greek words put together. It literally means a word about the soul, or the study of the soul. Who better to deal with the soul than God? Psychological problems are spiritual problems and in the Scriptures we have everything we need to deal with those problems (2 Pet. 1:3; 2 Tim. 3:16). And it’s that reality we have to get right if we’re going to deal with heart issues.

Understand the Real Problem

But what about overlap? Aren’t there things that affect our mood like hormones for example? Yes indeed. A woman’s hormones are out of balance after she’s given birth. A person with diabetes will have sugar and insulin issues. These are physiological dynamics that often affect the spiritual dynamic. We think of mood swings in postpartum mothers and diabetics. However, the anxiety or anger these individuals may experience are not caused by the hormonal issues. The anxiety or anger is already in their hearts. Postpartum conditions and diabetes are like a barking dog outside your window when you’re trying to sleep or a person screaming in your face. They don’t cause your irritation but only stir up the issues already in your heart. Remember, out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). 

Now, here’s the point. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn. 4:4). The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22). Your postpartum state, your diabetes, or whatever you face cannot keep the Holy Spirit from bearing His fruit in you. The truth is that depression and anger are rooted in faulty thinking: sinful thinking. But the good news is that Christ came to deliver us from our sin. He came to enable us to overcome our sin. In Christ we can have peace and joy (Phil. 4:4; Jn. 16:33). 

Fight the Real Battle

You can deal with heart issues. It may not be easy. It may take time. It will take time. It will take effort. You’re in a spiritual battle, and the battlefield is your mind. You have to recognize that, and then you have to decide to fight the battle – long term. You have to constantly make a decision to stop thinking sinful thoughts and replace them with godly thoughts. You do that through the renewing of your mind (Col. 3:8-17). You meditate on God’s word, memorize it, and call it to mind when you are tempted in one way or another. You fight your flesh with God’s word. You fight your sinful inclinations with truth. Let me say it one more time; if you want to deal with heart issues you have to fight. And fight some more. But remember, the battle is the Lord’s and He will give victory (Eph. 6:10-20).

Helpful Chart for Dealing with Heart Issues

Easily make your own chart by remembering ABCD. Start on the left side and make your way to the bottom. Ask yourself what am I feeling, and write them in box A. Be brutally honest because the heart is messy. Next, examine your behaviors or actions, then your thinking, then your desires or wants. Once you’ve identified your root desires, move over to the right side and start at the bottom and write how you will replace your wrong desires with proper, biblical, godly desires. Then work your way back up to your affections or feelings.
