Did Chick-Fil-A Cave? | True Worldview Ep. 20

I had breakfast at Chick-Fil-A this morning. It was as good as ever. I’m disappointed though in their recent charitable policy shift. After donating to more than 300 charitable organizations this year, they will instead focus on three initiatives with one accompanying charity each: education, homelessness and hunger. They’ll be breaking ties with The Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Paul Anderson Youth Home. Matt Walsh put it this way: “one of the last remaining large companies to stand in defiance of the P.C. police and the LGBT rage mob, has suddenly and inexplicably caved. Chick-fil-A President and Chief Operating Officer Tim Tassopoulos announced that the company will no longer donate to certain Christian charities that the pc crowd deems “anti-LGBT.”

This move is disconcerting, not because we hate the LGBT community, but because the LGBT community has a militant agenda and won’t rest until everyone bows to their worldview. Christians are called to love, but that doesn’t mean allowing the world to define us, determine our values, or set our agenda. In the aftermath of Chick-Fil-A’s move, the head of GLAAD said that certain Christian groups like Focus on the Family exist to do harm to the LGBT community. That statement is as dishonest as it is hateful. And that’s part of the problem.

It’s not our business as believers to form adversarial relationships with people or groups. Nor should we force Chick-Fil-A or anyone else to bow to our values or agenda. But neither can Christians support the LGBT agenda.

Some of the issues in play here are these: 

1-Prior to this point, by not bowing to the LGBT agenda, Chick-Fil-A was standing for freedom for everyone in our society. The LGBT folks don’t believe in freedom. They are in the business of bending others to their will. 

2-The LGBT community is redefining terms like love, hate, marriage, and freedom.

3-Critical Theory, the worldview behind the LGBT political movement, is hypocritical. They claim to be an oppressed group that simply wants oppressor groups to cease their oppression so that all can live together in harmony. It’s obvious that’s a lie. They want to be the oppressor group. Their agenda is a form of violence and oppression any way you look at it.

4-You can’t compromise the truth to appease people. Once you try, you end up on a slippery slope and ultimately affirming sin. You end up changed. Not only is that spiritually dangerous, it dishonors God.

5-Matt Walsh got it right: “You cannot appease the mob. It doesn’t matter if you give them what they want. It doesn’t matter if you fall to your feet, confess your sins, and beg forgiveness. All your self-abdication will do is empower and encourage your critics. They will not forgive you (not that Chick-fil-A needed forgiveness). This is an age of scalp-claiming, not mercy. Now they will happily take yours, celebrate the victory, and move on to the next target. You aren’t their friend now, or their ally. You’re just a trophy on their shelf.”

We could go on. What we’re dealing with is spiritual blindness. It was just last week that Ellie Goulding threatened to pull out of the halftime show of the Cowboys Thanksgiving Day game because of the NFL’s association with the Salvation Army. She changed her mind, but how insane is it to protest the Salvation Army? According to Newsweek, a Salvation Army spokesman said, "We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population.” So, you want to shut them down, because they’re Christians, despite the fact that they are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LBGTQ+ community in the world. Well, the Salvation Army is a good example of what Christians do. Ellie Goulding is a good example of what those in her group do. We need to pray for her and all those who are blind to their need for Christ.

My last concern is that this move signals something bad for the future of Chick-Fil-A. Whether you like chicken or not, there is no comparison between Chick-Fil-A and any other fast food restaurant. They are clean, friendly, efficient, proactive, techno-savvy, next-generation oriented, etc. There is no more pleasant fast-food experience than Chick-Fil-A, and it’s all owing to the Christian worldview of their founder. I’m afraid in five, ten, or twenty years, they’ll be just like McDonalds. I’ll eat there, just like I eat at McDonalds. I’ll be okay with the food, for the most part, just like I am with McDonalds. But much of the experience will leave something to be desired.