The Left Has Rejected God | True Worldview Ep. 47

The Left has Rejected God

A Joe Biden gaffe is singularly interesting. Quoting the Declaration of Independence, he said, “We hold these truths to be self-evidence, all men and women are created by you know, you know the thing. . . you know the thing we say. . .” Of course, the part he stumbled over is well-known: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…" It was no doubt a gaffe, and we all make them, but some have speculated that he caught himself and intentionally left out God.

No God-Talk in the Public Square

Regardless, it’s a fact that the Democrats have rejected God. They even eliminated him from previous presidential platforms. God-talk in the public square is generally held to be anathema in progressive circles. I remember watching coverage of the Kentucky Derby back in 2011, and one of the announcers responding to a comment about rain holding off said, “From your lips to, uh, everybody’s ears.” She definitely caught herself and avoided using the original language referencing God.Progressives hate God. As long as they acknowledge Him, he sits in judgment on the evil policies they seek to pass.

From Where do Rights Come?

Further they don’t believe that rights come from God. Hence, on their worldview, there is no such thing as an unalienable right. The only reason a right would be unalienable is if it comes from God. But they believe that rights come from the State. Themselves. Therefore, they determine what rights to extend and what rights to withdraw. There’s no other word for it but despotism. 

If there is no God, rights are arbitrary. It’s a matter of the ones in charge determining the right. It’s the proverbial might makes right. It’s relativism. As such, they are given and taken away on someone’s whim.

And what does one do with the Declaration of Independence in light of such a reality? He stumbles over it.

Justification for Government: God

Think further. There’s really no philosophical justification for government if there is no God. If might makes right, it’s survival of the fittest. It’s a free-for-all. But the government would never eliminate itself. They have the power. It’s simply that it’s not philosophically justifiable on their worldview. They would beg to differ, and say that rights come from their collective wisdom. But again, it’s the collective wisdom of those in charge.

Civil Society Predicated on God

These things highlight, among others, the reality that you really can’t have a civil society without God. In the end, if there is no God, it would evolve into warring factions and cave-in on itself. If one looks carefully, he can see that such a dynamic is already upon us. It’s only a matter of the inexorable passing of time. 

In the end, there is no liberty for any of us without God. Government becomes nothing but a giant club in the hands of bullies if it usurps its intended role of protecting the God-given rights of the citizens. So, let’s make sure that we encourage God talk in the public square. It’s essential for our survival.

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